July 18, 2014

Take a moment to check out this week’s top five picks from around the TypeOneNation community. Please join the conversation with other members and be sure to share it with your friends on Twitter and Facebook too.

Spouse Support
@4her4life fiance was just diagnosed with T1D and he is looking to talk to other significant others on how best to support her. Please share any advice you can in the JDRF South Florida Chapter Group.

Diabetes Burnout
Diabetes can be tough to deal with, even for people who have had it their whole life. Send @Jessicamarie2 your words of encouragement and advice on how you deal with diabetes burnout.

How to tell your friends
If you have experience telling your friends about your diabetes, share your story with @eichelle in the Teen Group.

Educating others
@diabetes_angel92 is looking for advice on how to help her family better understand diabetes. Join the conversation.

A Difficult Journey from the Lab to People with Type 1 Diabetes, a new study highlights the challenges of translating promising research to effective treatments. Read more>>

Whether you join the discussions or start your own NEW topic on TypeOneNation, we want you to know that this online community is a place for you to ask questions and share your own personal experience.