New Year, New Beginnings

Happy New Year Everyone!

Every year we make New Year’s resolutions, and for some of us it can be extremely difficult to do. Do you resolve to lose weight, eat a healthier diet? Get a new job? For those of us with T1D, a resolution may be as simple as changing a lancet or checking your blood sugar more often.

At JDRF, our hope for the New Year and our plan for the future is creating a world without type 1 diabetes.

We hope these five amazing videos will inspire you.

Artificial Pancreas
A series of increasingly sophisticated artificial pancreas systems that progressively eliminate blood-glucose testing and automate delivery of insulin and additional hormones.

Implantable beta cell replacement therapies that restore insulin independence without the need for intensive immune suppression.

Smart Insulin
Single dose of insulin that circulates in the bloodstream and turns on when it’s needed and off when it’s not.

The body’s beta cell function is restored and the autoimmune attack is halted—in short, the biologic cure for T1D.

Slow or halt the progression of T1D before insulin dependence, and long-term, eliminate the risk of developing the disease.

Happy Friday!

~ Gina