Today’s Top Five Picks!

Hi Everyone,

Here are our top five picks for this week!

Getting through Airport Security
@Tumorhead is looking for advice on how to get through airport security with her #T1D child. Share your experience in the Parents of Children with Type 1 Group!

Getting Savvy with Diabetes
We had the chance to interview Joanne Laufer Milo who was diagnosed with ā€Ŗ#ā€ŽT1Dā€¬ over 49 years ago.Ā  She has written about her incredible life in a new book, The Savvy Diabetic: A Survival Guide. Read about her amazing journey on The T1D Tuesday Blog.

T1D Coincidences
@MMacFL asks whether there is a high rate of people with ā€Ŗ#ā€ŽT1Dā€¬ in your area. Share your answer in this thread.

Omnipod Users
@theresakathleenc asks if anyoneā€™s Omnipod has gone haywire and caused a high pitched alarm sound after deactivation? If this has happened to you, please share it with us in the Omnipod Group.

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Happy Friday!
