#JDRFac2012: Cure T1D!

#JDRFac2012 is a blog series to prepare JDRF’s
‘All for 1’ Annual Conference attendees for their time on Capitol Hill, and to
educate you as readers on why JDRFers will be on the Hill on your behalf and
you can help.

We’re back from Memorial Day but I’ll be honest, I could have hung out in
the yard a bit longer! ;]

Not only is the Special Diabetes Program (SDP) funding pushing forward on
diabetes research that could prevent and treat T1D, but it’s also looking at
ways to cure it once and for all! Through your support of the SDP and JDRF
funded research, we’ll keep moving towards better ways to prevent, treat, and eventually cure T1D!

Click on the picture below for a larger image and stay tuned for updates on how SDP funded research is impacting the lives of every day people:

Hasan Shah
JDRF Advocacy