Thank the FDA and Pass it on!

to all your efforts, last week the FDA put out encouraging draft
artificial pancreas guidance
. While a detailed review is still under way,
the FDA draft appears to lay a foundation for accelerating the development and
availability of artificial pancreas systems that will improve the lives of
millions of Americans living with type 1 diabetes.

like your help in thanking FDA for releasing this draft guidance.  If you have a Facebook or
Twitter (use hashtag #AP100k) profile, please ‘tag’ the FDA in a
post thanking them:

  • On Facebook you can use this
    text: ‘Thank you FDA for releasing the
    draft artificial pancreas guidance, an important step towards life-saving technologies
    for millions with type 1 diabetes.’ (Be sure to like the FDA page, and then use the ‘@’
    sign to tag their page.)
  • Or you can use this
    text for Twitter: ‘Thank you @US_FDA for releasing the
    draft artificial pancreas guidance, an important step towards life-saving
    technologies for millions with type 1 diabetes.’ #AP100k.’
  • Remember,
    we still have much work to do before artificial pancreas systems can be provided to those
    that need them, but in the meantime we should continue to follow the
    progress the FDA is making and encourage it to proceed as efficiently as

Thanks again to YOU
and the FDA!
